As a whole, my experience at Cardiff Met has been unpredictable yet invaluable. Coming to university was a difficult decision. In the years leading up to the commencement of my studies I was unsure in what area of creation I wanted to go into I thought I was a photographer, I thought I was an illustrator, and then a I thought I was a jewellery designer. This is what led me to Cardiff Met and subsequently BA(hons) Artist Designer: Maker.
My first year started with a lot of family concerns, worries over a mother health is a big enough distraction for anyone, let alone someone who has an enhanced relationship with their mother like I do. As her health improved, so did my commitment and resulting grades on this course. I had a renewed sense of information and then it all changed. My second and third years have been subject to the unprecedented circumstances thrust upon the world by COVID-19; a change in the way every-one approached every aspect of their lives. This is something that can also be applied to my constellation explorations.
In previous education circumstances I have thrive in the disciplines centred around logic and theory yet been unable to fully apply myself when it comes to philosophy and empathetic understanding. This is not a great position to have in an art institute where you are encouraged to explore these avenues both in your practical and theoretical understandings. Whereas many found constellation inspiring and allowed them to explore various opinions and standings on copious topics, I would sit in the corner with very little understanding on what was being discussed. I would not consider myself to be inept at forming an opinion, however, I just seemed unable to apply myself to the types of conversation that was unfolding.
Looking back, I should have spent more time associating myself with those who wanted to achieve and respected the opportunities they were given. It wasn’t until I disentangled myself from these uninterested parties that I began to acquire a true regard for the reasoning behind why we are exposed to these discussions. It was to allow us to be exposed to other ways of thinking, of considering why things manifest in the way they do and how ultimately it effects all of us. Some topics where there to inspire change, others to allow ideation to form with enlightenment. For me, this instruction led to the realisation that I want to make a difference and be there to show others how to find their own positioning and admiration for transformation.
It was my first constellation of my second year that first introduced me to the world of alternative materials, and in return the need for sustainable practice in the new age of design. The research that cultivated this realisation was directed by a focus on furniture design; I knew I wanted to be at the forefront of the change that has been instigated. I decided to make this a part of my ethos as a designer. If it wasn’t for this initial introduction to this alternative method of production, I would most definitely not have sustainability at the forefront of my establishing practice. I will have to admit that before this exposure, I knew about the need for sustainability but never thought of adapting it into my life. It was one of those things that I did not need to concern myself with, that it was about other people changing to heal the world. I was ignorant of what I was seeing, I listened but I didn’t retain the information. This all changed and I realised that I was not exempt from changing my outlook. I didn’t realise how grave my impact on the world around me was.
I want to show others how they too can change the way the associate themselves with sustainability, but I wanted to maintain my creative outlook. So, when it came to considering what I wished to do for my dissertation, a business plan made perfect sense. If I want to educate people on how they can do their bit to heal the planet, why not do it in a way where I am directly working with them. By formulating a business that works with clients to aid in their sustainable changes, I will be fulfilling my sustainability goals as well as realising my creative abilities.
I would not have been able to get to this point if it wasn’t for the guidance received during my time on the constellation modules, particularly when it comes to the final stages of this programme, I would not be considering the career path I am now. The constellation modules are more than just a form of theory for an otherwise practical or creative mentality. It challenges the way we look at the world and how we plan on entering the world. Everyone wants to enter their respective industries to make their mark. This delivery is unique, it gives those who go through it an edge that will allow them to strike a blow and make an impact that will improve their presence.
I would like to think that this has given me an alternative look at where I want to take my career. However, I also know that I had no idea what I wanted to do with my career. The fact that I have realised where I want to belong in the industry is significant. I would not have got to this point without the guidance of this distinctive element. I have found how I am going to strive make my mark. I have found how I wish to make my contribution to this industry. This is ultimately the goal of this series and I am extremely grateful that I have been able to gain this understanding of who I should be in relation to my practice; more than my practice, this is something has shaped my future life.
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